Feedback on "CSS Device Adaptation" draft 5/10/11

These are a couple of minor concerns about the CSS viewport spec, not necessarily "problems" per se, but issues that should be thought through as potential uncharted territory for CSS:

* In current implementations, the viewport is applied once at page load and can't be modified therafter. This seems like a special case that's much different than other at-rules and properties. I didn't see any obvious discussion of the issue within the spec.

* The various zoom-related properties don't affect the content itself, but rather constrains how the browser displays the content.  I understand the web-app use case for zoom control, but it may be a bit of a reach for CSS. It seems analogous to letting CSS control display of bookmark/URL/status bars within desktop browsers.


Mike Sierra
Nokia, 5 Wayside Rd
Burlington MA 01824, USA

Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 09:18:50 UTC