RE: [css3-regions] more feedback

± From: Vincent Hardy []
± Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 6:09 PM
± region-overflow: break | auto

Sounds good.

± >I would expect that when an element becomes a flow source, its 'float'
± >and 'position' properties are ignored.
± That is not my understanding. For example:
± .illustrations {
±     float: left;
±     flow: 'sidebar';
± }
± It still makes sense for the elements in the 'sidebar' flow to float into
± the regions that receive the sidebar content. The current draft does not
± mandate any restrictions on the flow element's float and position
± properties.

I guess if you define concatenation of multiple content sources as a single anonymous block that contains the source elements (that's how you define, it right?) then you wouldn't ignore any properties on source elements.

I looked at it from considering that the main use case is a single source, in which case content is important but properties like 'float' or 'position' seem not applicable.

There may be no contradiction here, setting 'float:left' on content is same as setting 'float:left' on <body> - it rarely makes sense but it works...

I don't object then. But I'm still confused with the need of classifying flows... Perhaps some time with a whiteboard will clear that.

Received on Friday, 20 May 2011 01:43:44 UTC