RE: [css3-grid] grid-cell-stacking and grid-layer should be removed

On May 18, 2011 9:51 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. [] wrote:

> That said, I'd be okay with *only* having named grid-cell pseudos generated by 'grid-template', and knocking out the anonymous grid-cells.

Making sure we're using the same dictionary so I don't misread what you're saying:

Grid Cell: a logical space used for laying out Grid Items.
Explicit Grid Cell: a Grid Cell that has been given a name using the grid-template property or grid-cell pseudo-element function.
Anonymous Grid Cell: a Grid Cell created to serve as the containing block for a Grid Item which was positioned directly on the Grid using the grid-row and grid-column properties.

Explicit Grid Cell Example 1:
#grid1 { display:grid; grid-template: "abc" } /* defines three Explicit Grid Cells: a, b and c. */
#item1 { grid-cell: "a" } /* item1 occupies the Explicit Grid Cell "a" */

Explicit Grid Cell Example 2:
#grid2 { display:grid }
#grid2::grid-cell("myCell") { grid-column:1; grid-row:1 } /* defines an Explicit Grid Cell named "myCell" */
#item2 { grid-cell: "myCell" } /* item2 occupies the Explicit Grid Cell "myCell" */

Anonymous Example:
#grid3 { display:grid }
#item3 { grid-column:1; grid-row:1 } /* creates an Anonymous Grid Cell to serve as the containing block for item 3 */

So when you said knocking out the anonymous Grid Cells, are you referring to what I'm calling Explicit Grid Cells that happen to be defined by a grid-cell pseudo-element function, or did you mean doing away with my "Anonymous Example" above?  I hope the former as I'm really fond of the Anonymous Example.  If you mean the latter, then are you saying the pseudo-element function still exists so that we can set properties like display, but you can't create an Explicit Grid Cell in that way, only refer to ones defined using grid-template, or are you saying that you'd be OK with it not existing at all and the grid-template property is just a way to name a region of space that cannot be further styled?

Thanks, Phil

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 19:19:02 UTC