Re: [css3-images] Changing the angles in gradients

>>  On 05/17/2011 12:57 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>>>  So, we have three choices:
>>>  A) Keep the angles as they are, with 0deg=East and 90deg=North
>>>  B) Switch to screen-coord polar, with 0deg=East and 90deg=South
>>>  C) Switch to bearing angles, with 0deg=North and 90deg=East

    As an author, I vote for C.  It's consistent with other angles 
such as transformation rotation, where a 90deg rotation turns an 
element's top from "North" to "East"-- and frankly, most of us are 
familiar with bearing angles but don't remember polar angles from 
school at all.  Blame GPS devices, blame a conspiracy of 
cartographers if you will, but I think way more people will take 
naturally to C than A.

At 14:52 -0700 5/17/11, Brad Kemper wrote:

>Also, authors are using gradients now, with prefixes. Changing the 
>meaning of such an important part of the syntax at this point, to 
>mean something opposite, would mean breaking Web sites, with little 
>hope that they could be fixed by authors in a way that still 
>supported multiple versions of multiple browsers.

    That's why we have prefixes, as far as I'm concerned-- to let 
implementors fix bugs and keep pace with changing specs.  And, by 
extension, it allows specs the flexibility to change if said changes 
are for the better.

Eric A. Meyer (

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 22:33:35 UTC