RE: [css3-regions] pagination and inline elements

± -----Original Message-----
± From: Alan Stearns []
± Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:21 PM
± One way to think about single-page regions is to look at uses for single-
± page multicolumn. If you know that your text will fit on a single screen,
± but readability will improve if you break it into columns with a shorter
± measure, you can usefully use multicolumn without pagination.
± Wherever you can use multicolumn without pagination you can also use
± regions without pagination. 

These are good examples, so I have to agree - there are compelling use cases for a chain of fixed-size containers ending with a flexible container (or possibly having flexible containers in the middle - e.g. your drop-cap example could be a container with shrink-to-fit width and region-break in the end).

I wonder if InDesign has linked text containers that have automatic behavior like that? Or are you describing existing design patterns that are now manual but have to be more automatic online?

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 04:08:59 UTC