[css3-cascade] Browser extension style sheets and the cascade

Håkon, CSS Working Group,

not overly familiar with how exactly each user agent handles
extensions, at least Chrome allows authors of extensions to apply
style sheets to documents [1].

The CSS specs, however, don’t seem to be clear—please correct me if
I’m wrong—about what origin such style sheets are considered to have,
or where these style sheets have to be seen when it comes to order of

Although I’m not asking on behalf of Google or any other user agent
implementor, the wide number of possible scenarios make it appear
useful, possibly important, for the CSS 3’s “Cascading and
inheritance” module to clarify. Personally I could see arguments for a
different origin (“user agent extension”) but also for regarding such
style sheets as user style sheets when, order-wise, coming before any
“real” user style sheets so that “user important” style sheets still

Thank you,

[1] http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/content_scripts.html

Jens O. Meiert

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 02:55:12 UTC