Re: [css3-flexbox][css3-grid] Inline replaced elements as grid items and flexbox items

On 5/16/11 12:40 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> As far as I understand "different layout rules for replaced and
> non-replaced
> display:inline elements" are there for the legacy "pre-inline-block"
> reasons.

Yes, but they're still there and browsers still need to handle 
display:inline replaced elements in a backwards-compatible way.

> Do you know any differences in handling and rendering of
> <img style="display:inline"> and <img style="display:inline-block"> ?


> The same question is about <object>, <button> and other inputs.

Not offhand.  But consider this testcase:

   Some text<button>Some text</button><button
     style="display: inline-block; overflow: hidden">Some text</button>

In Gecko the baseline of that second button is the baseline of the text 
in the button.  One could argue that this is a spec violation, since the 
baseline of an inline-block with overflow not visible is supposed to be 
the bottom margin edge... at least for non-replaced inline-blocks.

Again, that depends on the baseline rules for replaced elements that 
might have nontrivial baselines.


Received on Monday, 16 May 2011 16:57:11 UTC