Re: [css3-regions] Feedback on regions document

On May 12, 2011, at 11:03 PM, Vincent Hardy wrote:

> I see. What about the following then:
> @region-style <region_sel> {
> 	p::lines-in-region {
>         ...
>         }
>         h1::lines-in-region {
>          ....
>         }
> }

The problem with this syntax is nothing stops an author from writing

@region-style <region_sel> {
	h1 { ... }

and then not understanding why it doesn't work.

Is the concern with

h1::lines-in-region(<region_sel>) { }

that you have to repeat the region selector over and over potentially?  I wouldn't worry too much about that if so, since I can't imagine the customizations you'd do per-region would involve more than a handful of elements, and eventually we'll have CSS variables anyway, which will allow you to avoid repeating a complex selector expression.


Received on Friday, 13 May 2011 16:00:16 UTC