Re: Gradients and background-repeat (Was: Re: Automatic spec annotations)

Here are some examples of this sort of thing that I put together a while back. The background rotation is simulated via a transform on a separate element, and the animation seems to require WebKit:

On May 12, 2011, at 12:47 AM, Brad Kemper wrote:

> background: linear-gradient(30deg, silver 0px, silver 50%, gray 50%, gray 100%) auto;
> background-size: 100px;
> Then if I want to change the scale of the stripes, I only have to change the single 'background-size' value, instead of digging around in the gradient itself (some of which can be much more complicated than this sample). I can easily animate the stripe size by animating 'background-size'. I can make the stripes flow across the background by animating 'background-position', and it would be much easier than animating the insides of the image itself. I could transition the rotation of the stripes on hover by changing a single 'background-rotation' value (not having to include the entire 'repeating-linear-gradient()' function values just to change the angle). 
> Maybe I like the background property syntaxes more than you, but I think they provide a lot of power with only as much complexity as you need.

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 17:36:59 UTC