Re: [css3-lists] list-style-position behavior

On Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:48:08 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr. <>  

> There are two distinct behaviors for list-style-position:outside
> between browsers.  One group (IE8, FF, Opera) positions the marker
> relative to the first line box in the list item.  This means that it
> cares about text-align, and will "follow" the text.  Another group
> (IE9, Webkit) positions the marker relative to the list item itself,
> so text-align is ignored.

I think this is too simplified, the actual behaviors seem rather more  
complicated/quirky and diverging than that. Try for instance horizontal  
padding, floats and text-indent (for which there is a test in the CSS 2.1  
testsuite, unlike text-align, apparently).

Also, positioning the marker relative to the line box does not make it  
"follow" the text when text-align changes, since the line box does not  
shrink to fit its contents.

> Since IE changed behavior, I suppose that means there's not a
> significant compat impact.  Is this true?
> Right now my plan is to spec the first (line-box-based) behavior as
> "list-style-position:hanging", and the second (list-item-based)
> behavior as "list-style-position:outside".

Sounds like it could be a pretty clean model, though it differs from  
previous suggestions (e.g. [1], [2]) and I don't have any insights as to  
compat impact.

The edit following this seems to have introduced more changes, though. For  
instance, for 'outside' it says that the marker of a list item in  
top-to-bottom block progression is aligned to the top edge (which one?).  
This doesn't sound particularly desirable, and the browsers I've tried all  
seem to connect the marker to a line box somehow and have it affect the  
line box height etc (as CSS 2.1 suggests may happen). Was it  
intentional/thought through?

I see the positioning stuff is marked as an issue, but I don't remember  
seeing it discussed here, so maybe people haven't looked at (this section  
of) the ED much.

Øyvind Stenhaug
Core Norway, Opera Software ASA

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 13:59:12 UTC