Re: [css3-speech] voice-stress, missing default value

On 04/28/2011 10:29 AM, Daniel Weck wrote:
> The 'voice-stress' property defined in the CSS3 Speech module is pretty much a direct adaptation of SSML's 'emphasis' element
> [1].
> There is however an significant oversight: the 'voice-stress' property needs a value so that authors can indicate that the
> emphasis should be the default one produced by the speech synthesizer. This is language-dependent, and not related to document
> markup, so it is not something that can be defined in the user-agent stylesheet (TTS-generated emphasis typically applies to
> arbitrary words within sentences).
> I added the 'auto' value in the latest editors' draft [2], along with an example to clarify the use of 'voice-stress'. Please
> kindly review. If 'auto' is not a suitable value name, maybe 'default' or 'normal' ?

I thought this was the role of 'moderate'.


Received on Monday, 2 May 2011 17:42:31 UTC