Re: [css3-text] Proposed pruning & scoping of hyphenation properties

On 03/29/2011 10:23 PM, Christian Stockwell wrote:
> I think I may be misunderstanding the intent of word-wrap: hyphenate. My understanding
> was that word-wrap: hyphenate would be similar to word-wrap: break-word in that an
> arbitrary spot in the text would be selected for hyphenation as to minimize whitespace.
> What you're describing is that  word-wrap: hyphenate is actually an alternative
> mechanism to opt into the equivalent of "hyphens: auto" for a single word.
> If that's the case, it seems like we've already solved this problem through the use of
> the hyphenation-limit-zone property (e.g. set the hyphenation zone width to be 99% and
> authors may have a solution to this corner case).

That's an interesting hack. :) We'll have to ask the working group if they prefer that.

> If this corner case problem is adequately solved by hyphenation zone we can avoid
> getting embroiled in specifying exactly what it means to "influence" word breaks
> without "controlling" them (as used in the editor's draft).

It says "influencing" without "forbidding", not "influencing" without

Here's the example: 'hyphenate-limit-chars' could say that the word is
not allowed to break within the first or last 3 characters. If we had a
word that was 8 characters long, and 2 characters overflowed, we'd
therefore prefer a break somewhere in the middle if the word rather
than towards the end. But if the word was 5 characters long and the
only break blocked by hyphenate-limit-chars, we'd break there anyway
because otherwise we'd overflow. You try to honor the limits if you can,
but you break the rules before you give up and overflow.


Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 06:45:30 UTC