Re: box tree terminology

On 03/29/2011 10:15 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 7:44 PM, fantasai<>  wrote:
>>   rendering tree thing
>>     This is often referred to as a "box". Except for display: none elements,
>>     which have none, and display: list-item elements, which have two, there
>>     is only one "thing" per source document element.
>>   box layout thing
>>     This is also referred to as a "box". A "rendering tree thing" can have
>> one
>>     or more "box layout things": inline rendering tree things get split into
>>     multiple box layout things during line breaking, and other rendering tree
>>     things can split into multiple box layout things due to pagination.
> The former should still be "box", as that's the thing that exists in
> the box-tree.  That terminology has been around for so long, there's
> no reason to change it.
> How many ways can the latter differ from the former? Inline boxes are
> broken up into lineboxes, or contain lineboxes, or something.

Inline boxes are broken into multiple boxes so that they can be contained
in line boxes.

> Across a page/column/region break, any box can be broken; we can create a
> term for the sub-boxes thus created.  Is there anything else?  It may
> be that we don't need a general term for this, and it would be clearer
> to just use the specific term when appropriate.

So what's your specific term?


Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 06:22:07 UTC