Re: [css4-selectors] Allowing pseudo-classes on pseudo-elements

On 03/26/2011 02:11 AM, Phil Cupp wrote:
> We could declare that #grid::grid-cell("nav"):hover is a valid selector in our draft,
> but it doesn't feel particularly core the grid.  Also, as a scenario, I'm not sure
> the conditional styling of a grid-cell or template layout slot is super-compelling.

I think we should adopt the convention that the definition of a pseudo-element
must define which pseudo-classes may apply to it. The module that defines
::grid-cell would then have to decide whether pseudo-classes may apply to the
::grid-cell. Likewise the module that defines ::before and ::after (Level 4)
would define whether pseudo-classes apply to those pseudo-elements.

> I would prefer to discuss the applicability of pseudo-classes to pseudo-elements in
> the context of controls.
> Could you give me some guidance as to where and when an extension like this is best discussed?

On this mailing list? I don't know when. We don't currently have anyone
editing a draft for addressing pieces of form controls, although I believe
it might be in-scope for Tantek's CSS4 UI module (once he's done with CSS3).

Keep in mind that CSS is intended to be cross-platform, so UI concepts
that tie too closely with a particular form control model and don't
allow for innovation to the UI for that type of form control might be
resolved out-of-scope.


Received on Monday, 28 March 2011 19:59:18 UTC