Re: at-rules irregularities was (Re: CSS Mixins proposal)

> That is what I have been trying to figure out myself. It's only last night
> that I realized that SASS was server-side.
> It would be good if could write your proposal that *only dealt with changes
> to CSS* grammar. This is all I am interested in knowing at this point.

SASS is a CSS pre-processor that enables web developers to make use of CSS
extensions not available in web browsers.  Although it is server-side, the
SASS approach is a directly relevant example as they've implemented both a
mixin and a variable syntax.

> It's pointless running around in circles and it doesn't help when CSS
> syntax is being develop via WebKit Bugzilla.
You'll note that Dave Hyatt and I have both agreed on that very bug that we
should wait until the CSS WG concludes their discussion before landing any
code.  Think of that patch more as a proof-of-concept that demonstrates the
amount of effort required to implement the feature and allows people to play
around with the idea if they're keen.

    -Shane Stephens

> --
> Alan
> Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo

Received on Thursday, 24 March 2011 10:15:01 UTC