Re: [css3-images] conical-gradient()?

> > I think it would be better to call this an angle gradient instead of
> > conical.
> In Photoshop it is indeed often referred to as angle gradient (and
> this is technically correct), although most designers I know
> understand the term "conical". I actually think conical best describes
> what the gradient does visually.

A conic radial gradient also resembles a cone. If we call them angle
gradients, there is less chance of confusion.

> > Conical gradients are just a special case of a radial gradient where the
> > midpoint of start and ending circle is different.
> > This seems like an edge case. Neither SVG or Illustrator implement such a
> > construct so it must not be that common.
> I would call that a hasty generalization. Photoshop *does* implement
> it, so making a similar generalization one could argue that since
> there are more Photoshop users, it is very common.

Are you advocating that we also add diamond gradients?
At one point I suggested adding focal point support to radial gradients.
This is a very common idiom which is supported by the WebKit gradients and
core graphics but it was deemed to much of an edge case.


Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2011 17:57:44 UTC