Re: line-height limitations

How about something that said not to take the glyph size and font leading into account at all for line box height calculation, unless it us the only thing on the line and needs to be an input into line-height (for em line height, for example). Then it could also maybe solve the problem of vertical-align:sup creating a big gap between two lines. 

Brad Kemper

On Mar 16, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Alex Mogilevsky <> wrote:

> It seems that you really want here is for first-letter to not affect line descent.
> Would ˇ°line-heigh:fitˇ± be a reasonable way to say ˇ°calculate line height as usual, but ignore descent unless there are glyphs with non-zero descentˇ±?
> ----
> From: [] On Behalf Of David Hyatt
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:41 AM
> (2) We could add a property just to specify this fitting behavior.  For example:
> line-height-policy: normal | fit;

Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 20:39:34 UTC