Re: [css3-fonts] new editor's draft posted

Thanks for incorporating some of my earlier notes and suggestions.

* Section 6.8 Alternates and swashes

I guess if ‘calt’ and ‘clig’ can be (de)selected together, so should ‘hist’ and ‘hlig’. Why has ‘historical-forms’ no negated counterpart?

Note that ‘text-transform’ when set to ‘large-kana’ could be made to interact with ‘ruby’, e.g. being applied as a fallback.

John Daggett:
> * Section 6.9 syntax of the @font-feature-values rule
> Adjusted the notation based on the TPAC discussion and added some better examples of various use patterns.

| <font-variant-value-definition> = 
|   @<font-variant-value> <feature-value-list> [, <feature-value-list>]*
| <feature-value-list> =
|   <feature-value-name> <feature-index>+

should be in my humble opinion

  <font-variant-value-definition> = 
    <font-variant-value>: <feature-value-list> [, <feature-value-list>]*
  <feature-value-list> =
    <feature-value-name> <feature-index>*

with <feature-index> automatically incrementing by one if left out. I also think the at-rule could be called ‘@font-features’:

  @font-features "Jupiter Sans" {
    swash: delicate, flowing;/* 1, 2 */
  @font-features "Mercury Serif" {
    styleset: 2, stacked-g, stacked-a, geometric-m 7;/* 3, 4, 7 */
  @font-features "Taisho Gothic" {
    annotation: boxed, , , circled;/* 1, 4 */
  @font-feature-values Otaru Kisa {
    annotation: circled, -, black-boxed;/* 1, 3 */

I dislike the non-obvious key-value syntax for ‘character-variant’. It’s perhaps better with equals sign (if the grammar allows it):

  @font-features "MM Greek" {
    character-variant: alphabeta 1=02 02=3, /* cv01 = 2, cv02 = 3 */
                       gamma 12, zeta 20=3;

There should not be a hard OT-derived limit of 99.

> * Section 6.12 font-feature-settings syntax

It’s still not pretty, but it may do the job well enough.

> * Section 3.8 Added font-weight-synthetic, font-style-synthetic properties
> Added properties to allow synthetic bolding and italics to be disabled.

I think ‘font-synthetic’ as a shorthand with ‘font-synthetic-weight’, ‘font-synthetic-style’ and probably more (‘stretch’ and ‘smallcaps’/‘variant’) is a cleaner approach, because you usually will want to forbid all synthesizing or none.

Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2011 16:59:18 UTC