Re: [CSS21] 17.4: properties on outer & inner table boxes

On 11/04/2010 11:51 PM, Peter Moulder wrote:
> In previous versions of CSS2.1, the outer table box was anonymous and the
> (inner) table box was considered the principal box generated by the table.
> This made it reasonably clear that the outer table box's properties (other
> margins, 'float' etc. as mentioned in §17.4) were all inherited from the outer
> table box's parent box or at initial values, as per the fourth-last paragraph
> of §
> Whereas in the Oct2010 editors' draft, the outer table box is the principal box,
> implying that it's now the outer table box that gets the background, borders
> and so on that were the computed values of the table element.

This is filed as CSS2.1 Issue 243:


In 17.4 replace

   # The computed values of properties [...] on the table box are used on
   # the table wrapper box instead of the table box. The table box uses
   # the initial values for those properties.


   # The computed values of properties [...] on the table element are used
   # on the table wrapper box and not the table box; all other values of
   # non-inheritable properties are used on the table box and not the table
   # wrapper box. (Where the table element's values are not used on the table
   # and table wrapper boxes, the initial values are used instead.)


Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2011 07:16:11 UTC