Re: [cssom] comments on MediaQueryList

On Thursday 2011-06-23 09:14 -0700, L. David Baron wrote:
> First, if script changes the width of an iframe and then does
> something that flushes style data, such as:
>   getComputedStyle(element,"").color
> we'll run the media query listeners resulting from the width change
> inside the getComputedStyle call, since that requires getting style
> data up to date, which requires flushing any buffered style changes
> (including media query changes).

To make this a little more concrete, I've posted an example:

In the "run without flush or timeout" case Gecko alerts:
  # before set width
  # after set width
  # before set height
  # after set height
but I believe the current spec at
requires that it alert:
  # before set width
  # after set width
  # before set height
  # after set height
  # listener notified, matches=false
  # listener notified, matches=true

Likewise, in the "run with flush" case Gecko alerts:
  # before set width
  # after set width
  # before flush
  # listener notified, matches=false
  # after flush
  # before set height
  # after set height
  # listener notified, matches=true
whereas I believe the current spec requires:
  # before set width
  # after set width
  # before flush
  # after flush
  # before set height
  # after set height
  # listener notified, matches=false
  # listener notified, matches=true


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 17:48:06 UTC