Re: Unicode normalization in CSS [css3-namespace]

On 04/07/2011 08:11 PM, fantasai wrote:
> There was a very very very long thread on Unicode normalization in CSS
> back in January/February of 2009. [...]

This is a formal response from the CSS Working Group with regards to CSS
Namespaces CR <> whose Disposition of
Comments is here: <>

The CSS Working Group believes this issue to be out-of-scope for Namespaces.
We believe it needs to be addressed at a higher, W3C-wide level, and should
be filed as an issue with the TAG. We are therefore closing this as
out-of-scope for CSS Namespaces, which are internal to a single CSS file
anyway and therefore least likely to present problems wrt normalization.

Please let us know if this resolution is acceptable to you.


Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 18:13:16 UTC