I don’t get the metaphor.
RGB and HSL are two different functions.
Linear-gradient(<angle>…) and linear-gradient(keyword…) are not.
• Brian
From: divya manian [mailto:divya.manian@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 11:47 AM
To: Brian Manthos
Cc: Simon Fraser; Brad Kemper; Tab Atkins Jr.; www-style list
Subject: Re: [css3-images] Summary of recent gradient issues
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Brian Manthos <brianman@microsoft.com<mailto:brianman@microsoft.com>> wrote:
I never said it's hard to understand. I said it's opposite from the way angles work, which is unnecessary and counter-intuitive. Sure, it's explained away in the text but -- frankly -- you don't need the text crutch if you don't do it backwards.
The assertion that I made is that angles and keywords have nothing to do with each other. They both solve different problems within linear gradient functional notation.
Your statement is like suggesting hsla functional notation should follow the hex one because they somehow both refer to colors (it is a really bad metaphor, sorry).
A function can take on any argument and depending on the arguments passed, take different actions. I think web developers understand that (maybe not designers). Would using a keyword within the same functional notation help (like 'snap')?
Should we need whole new function just for this scenario, e.g. corner-linear-gradients()?