RE: [CSS21] questions about Lex regexes used to define tokens

Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 09:52:07 -0700
Subject: Re: [CSS21] questions about Lex regexes used to define tokens

>>Look up the ASCII table. In particular, * to [ is
    *+,-./;<=>?@[, with 0-9 and A-Z in there as well, and ]-~ is

    >>]^_`{|}~, with a-z as well.


    >>In other words, it's every printable character escape space, ", $,
    ', (, and ).

Yes, that does make perfect sense. I guess I was just used to seeing more conventional range constructs like a-z, 0-9, etc. 

>>3) Regarding the macro definition for nonascii, why does it go up
      to octal 237? (what's special about 237?) Why not octal 177
      (decimal 127 -- standard ASCII) or octal 377 (decimal 255 --
      extended ASCII)?

    >>Presumably, 238 and above is where you have individually invalid
    octets for UTF-8.


Received on Friday, 10 June 2011 17:56:57 UTC