Comments on CSS Exclusions

I have read the whole document and find the way exclusions
are defined in a document a bit complex. Just looking
at exemple 1 in [1], I am almost clueless about the mechanism
used to position precisely the circle inside the content div.
It seems the exclusion element is almost relatively positioned
but I don't really understand the whole thing.

Furthermore, because positioned elements are explicitely
excluded from the algo, it's going to harm page layouts
based on positioning - and there are zillions out there.

I think I have another model in mind, probably simpler for
web authors, but it's pretty hard to explain w/o a whiteboard...

1. I think the wrap-shape and wrap-shape-image properties should
    apply to all ancestors of an element but never cross position
    property boundaries.

2. that way it's applicable to fixed/absolutely positioned elements

3. that way, an element CONTAINS the elements defining its exclusions
    area while in the current proposal they can live outside of it
    and I have the feeling web authors will choke on that because of
    very complex positioning...

4. the wrap-shape-image would show the image as a background above
    all existing backgrounds of the element and "clearing" what's
    inside the exclusion area (modulo the wrap shape paddings)

I have no idea if that's clear or not, sorry. Vincent, if that's not
maybe we can arrange a conf call together so I can explain better ?



Received on Thursday, 9 June 2011 17:13:41 UTC