RE: [css3-flexbox] getting multiline flexbox back into the spec

± From: [] On Behalf
± Of L. David Baron
± Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 9:55 AM
± Given that people seem to want all of:
±  (1) the ability to mix logical and physical directions (which I
±      think you were the strongest advocate for)
±  (2) the inability to specify logical swaps (which you say you're
±      against here)
±  (3) the inability to specify combinations that don't compute (i.e.,
±      specify 2 vertical directions and no horizontal, or vice-versa)
± perhaps the remaining option along this approach is to slightly modify
± Tab's proposal to yield something that works a bit like background-
± position's keyword-percent mixing rules:

We had a side conversation with Fantasai and Tab yesterday and came up with exactly that - mixing rules that eliminate invalid combination at parse time.

Here is the option that we liked:

    [ row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse ] || [ wrap | wrap-reverse ] |

    [ horizontal | horizontal-reverse | horizontal-ltr | horizontal-rtl ] && 
    [ wrap| wrap-reverse | wrap-down| wrap-up ]? |

    [ vertical | vertical-reverse | vertical-ttb | vertical-btt ] && 
    [ wrap | wrap-reverse | wrap-left | wrap-right ]? 

Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 19:30:52 UTC