Re: [css3 writing modes] text orientation and vrt2/vert

> Since the algorithm for the proposed 'text-orientation' property
> relies on the use of the 'vrt2'/'vert' features, I've put together a
> simple testpage that tests the use of the OpenType 'vrt2' and 'vert'
> features in commonly available Japanese fonts, Hiragino Mincho
> (OSX), Meiryo (Windows) and Kozuka Mincho (Adobe). The range of
> codepoints listed is the union of the cmaps from all three fonts:
> This testpage requires the use of Firefox 4 or higher, since it uses
> the '-moz-font-feature-settings' vendor-specific property to enable
> specific OpenType features.  Under Internet Explorer and Webkit
> Nightly, it uses a vertical writing mode, so the testpage
> illustrates the orientation mapping table (i.e. upright or rotated)
> used by those apps instead of the OpenType features.

I put together a simpler testcase that runs a little more efficiently
and uses a subset of the "interesting" codepoint ranges.  I then
merged in data from running it on IE9 and Webkit Nightly.  This was
all done by hand, so let me know if you spot in an error in those columns:

You can view a PDF with the results of running this on a machine with
all the required fonts:



Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 06:38:29 UTC