Re: [css3-2d-transforms] [css3-3d-transforms] MouseEvent coordinates after CSS3 transform?

Yes please! 100% agree.

I was doing isometric point conversion to handle mouse collisions with
elements that were transformed to isometric projection on the fly, and it
is very much no fun at all.

Am 24.07.11 00:42 schrieb "Cameron McCormack" unter <>:

>On 24/07/11 3:13 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
>> I absolutely agree that we should have such an API.  Browsers
>> already know how to do this sort of conversion (for handling
>> events), and exposing it via an API would allow authors to write
>> coordinate conversion code that's resilient to the addition of new
>> features.
>Can we make this API also work with SVG coordinate systems?

Received on Monday, 25 July 2011 07:48:13 UTC