Re: [cssom-view] extending CSSStyleDeclaration with the CSS properties defined in SVG 1.1

On Thu, 07 Jul 2011 17:25:06 +0200, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> On 7/7/11 8:28 AM, Erik Dahlstrom wrote:
>> There are at least three different implementations (webkit, gecko and
>> presto) that support the CSS properties added by SVG 1.1 on the
>> CSSStyleDeclaration interface[1]
> Though not interoperably (c.f. "filter")....
> -Boris

True, that property has been implemented un-prefixed in Internet Explorer  
in a different way than what SVG specifies. Is the non-svg syntax in  
'filter' still supported in IE10 without the '-ms-' prefix?

For all the other properties I'd be surprised if there were any issues  
like that though. And I'd rather see those properties included in the  
draft than having them all left out because of 'filter'.

Note that I'm not saying that the issue with the 'filter' property  
shouldn't be resolved. In previous discussions in the SVG WG the position  
held by most people at that time was that it should be "hidden" such that would evaluate to false. Webkit seems to already hide  
'' in that fashion. The detection is  
currently being used on some sites to determine that the browser used is  
Internet Explorer (not a very good way of detecting that IMHO, but there  
we have it).

Erik Dahlstrom, Core Technology Developer, Opera Software
Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
Personal blog:

Received on Friday, 8 July 2011 12:29:23 UTC