Re: [css3-text] line break opportunities are based on *syllable* boundaries?

On 1/29/11 10:39 PM, Ambrose LI wrote:
> 2011/1/29 Boris Zbarsky<>:
>> If it's marked up (<name>,<span class="name">, whatever), then it seems
>> that all that's needed on the CSS end is saying that "white-space:nowrap"
>> should prevent linebreaks even at non-whitespace breaking opportunities.
>>   Which is what UAs do in practice, and what the spec seems to say already.
>> Am I just missing something?
> I asked the same question a few years ago. Unfortunately, the problem
> is that all the attribute that SHOULD be able to do such things either
> do not act on CJK characters or do not act on anything that is not a
> block.

I don't follow this.  white-space:nowrap (in CSS2.1) and text-wrap:none 
(in CSS3 text, where white-space:nowrap is a shorthand that sets 
text-wrap:none) work on all characters and all elements, last I checked.


Received on Sunday, 30 January 2011 16:51:23 UTC