Re: [css3-text] line break opportunities are based on *syllable* boundaries?

2011/1/29 John Cowan <>:
> CE Whitehead scripsit:
>> I believe it is correct to say "word" here (not "syllable"), but don't
>> know what to do about languages that do not use word deliminters,
>> and can provide no references for Korean, Japanese, or Chinese (though
>> yes a lexical resource seems best).
> Korean uses spaces, so it's not an issue.
> Chinese and Japanese don't have a problem breaking words up (as I have
> posted, the notion of "word" in Chinese is a technical linguistic one
> rather than something autonomous) and work at the character (grapheme
> cluster) level.  So line breaks are not a problem there either.

I agree in principle, but not completely. It is not entirely true that
we can break at between about any two random Chinese characters, and I
have written a bit about it at

(Sorry about the shortened link, as I'll be changing hosts soon. And
sorry about the incoherent writing that you'll find on that page.)

> The Unicode Standard has extensive discussions of all this.

-ambrose |

Received on Saturday, 29 January 2011 20:24:17 UTC