Re: align property

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Bruno Podvezanec <> wrote:
> 2011/1/26 Tab Atkins Jr. <>:
>> <center> was a mistake, the same as the 'align' attribute, the <font>
>> element, and other presentation parts of HTML.  It was rightfully
>> removed.  The fact that CSS has gone this long without a good ability
>> to center things is a tragedy, but that's in the past.
> You can't say that now, there are millions of websites using those
> tags and attributes, no matter what we say now. And when you see use
> of it in that amount it means people accepted it, people like it, it
> simple and effective.
> Example, I remember year ago one of my clients wanted to change
> something on the website and doesn't have $ or don't want to pay for
> small changes, so instead of my CSS code for centering, he found out
> in Dreamweaver <center> tag, and he said no thanks(for your solution)
> I'll use this simple one, and it works in all browsers old and new
> ones.

I strongly disagree for many reasons, but it doesn't seem worthwhile
to argue this point with you.

>> There are significant problems with trying to mix this sort of
>> alignment with block layout, unfortunately.  It really isn't as simple
>> as you think it is, because of several features, like floats, that
>> make block layout good for layout out documents, but not for laying
>> out applications or complex web pages.
> Then in property explanation forbid use of such features with other
> features. I would rather have simplified 'align' properties to what
> I've mentioned and forbid something to mix into it, if it will change
> look&feel of align property.

You can't just say "don't use them together".  You have to specify
precisely how they work when they *are* used together.  It's okay,
when the interaction is simple, to say that one is ignored, but the
interaction is *not* simple in this case.

> I didn't have enough time now to think about all aspects of other
> properties, but things can be solved.
> We know that all CSS properties can't coexist with any other CSS
> properties you want, there are obviously "rules and regulations" - but
> the point is this can be achieved.
> That can mean float and align can't coexist within the same element.
> Those can be one of those rules and regulations.

It's not about a centered element also being floated.  That would be
trivial to resolve.  It's about floats elsewhere in the document that
can have effects elsewhere.


Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2011 23:54:53 UTC