Re: Filter Templates

Am 25.01.2011 um 23:34 schrieb Robert O'Callahan:

> I've said this before and I'll say it again: for performance, implementations already need to ignore the regions the author gave and compute their own minimal regions. So mx/my/mw/mh should be dropped from the spec. Furthermore, we should get rid of the -10%/-10%/120%/120% hack and say that by default the filter region is infinite. Easier for authors, easier for implementors.

I agree in general, but like I wrote before, you still have filter primitives that can get infinite large. We still need some kind of region definition for them, or make the maximum size dependent of the union of all input filter primitives. Some examples that could get infinite large are lightning effects or feComposite with 'arithmentic'.


Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2011 08:52:41 UTC