Re: [css3-transform] definition of skewing

On Jan 18, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Dan Clark wrote:

> So we're saying that
> SkewX(60deg) * SkewY(20deg) != SkewY(20deg) * SkewX(60deg) != SkewXY(60deg,
> 20deg)
> So I cant get the equivalent of Skew(x,y) using a combo of Skew(x) and
> Skew(y).
> So why do we want to disallow it?

To be honest, the biggest reason is because SVGMatrix doesn't have it and we don't want to go any further down this path. You've shown the simple math for getting a skew effect in a 2D matrix. I've seen a different parameterization which uses a "scaleOrientation" which is the angle about which the scale is applied. It effectively rotates the object by that amount, applies scale and then rotates it back. You get the same skewing effect, but for some purposes it gives you better control.

To be honest, I wish SVG didn't have skew at all. It's just one narrow use case, that can be done (like all the other specialized use cases) in JavaScript using the matrix() operator.


Received on Friday, 21 January 2011 19:32:37 UTC