Re: [css3-images] image() function and file formats

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 13:37, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> The CSS3 Images spec
> <> defines the
> image() function, which allows authors to specify multiple images,
> representing the first one that doesn't give an error (that is, if the
> first one 404s or similar, the browser will instead fetch the second
> one in the list, etc.).
> Right now, the image() function has a form of light type-sniffing via
> the file extension, such that if the UA sees an image with an
> extension corresponding to a type of image the UA *knows* it doesn't
> support, it can skip trying to load the image altogether and just jump
> to the next image in the list.
> People have expressed concern that sniffing the image format via the
> file extension is unreliable and not a good practice.

RIght. Here's the citation (W3C TAG issue) you're looking for:

> I don't have a strong opinion on the matter -

then best to drop it.

> in theory, doesn't say anything about the file, but also
> that in practice most files have the correct extension for their type.

worse than that, file extension based assumptions lead to security
problems (because the "can/should I handle this" code is almost always
different than the actual "handle/display/execute this" code - check
bug databases of (nearly?) any browser for this - "here go display
this .jpg file" - "oh look, it actually looks like a script I should
execute" oops).

> I'm interested in implementor opinions here.  Is this type of sniffing
> okay?

In a spec, especially for new functionality, no.

If you choose to implement it for some sort of legacy/compat support,
be prepared to deal with all the bugs and security risks you'll
encounter as a result. Your (implementer) risk decision to make.

Better reason:

Make it consistent with previous similar multiple image URLs with
fallbacks properties. e.g. 'cursor'.


-- - I made an HTML5 tutorial!

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 22:18:40 UTC