[CSS21] WD 6.2.1, 9.7: conflict

§6.2.1 says that if the specified value is 'inherit' for a given element
then the property "takes the same computed value as the property for the
element's parent" (with an exception given later for the root element),
while §9.7 gives different rules for the computed value in some
circumstances (and, incidentally, apparently assumes that 'inherit'
isn't a valid specified value).

I suggest that we instead say that the specified value[*1]
is the same as the element's parent's computed value (or the property
default value if the element is the root element).

[*1] ... or whatever term we use for the concept of specified value after
  handling inheritance: see previously posted issue as to whether the
  specified value can be 'inherit'.


Received on Friday, 7 January 2011 23:59:30 UTC