Re: [css3-tables] Optimize per column whitespace due to line wrapping

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Shelby Moore <> wrote:
> Apparently you have the window width that just luckily makes it appear
> there isn't a problem.

Oh, I see problems, but afaict they're required by the markup. Could
you provide an example of what you'd like to see? (although perhaps
some pictures would be helpful, this text markup in plaintext which is
rendered in a proportional font is a disaster.)

> On my wide screen, I see:
> ? ( Recurse |                              Recurse ? ?,  First-set...
>                        ? ? Fi(n), n ? N, n = head(w) )  First-set...
> where Recurse is (Fi(n) \ ?) ? Fi(tail(w))               First-set...
> The excess gap can be as large as the width of the "Recurse ? ?,".
> Or more generally, the excess gap can be as large as the shortest wrapped
> word.

If you didn't have an &nbsp; after the commas, the browser would have
more freedom:

<td align="right">Recurse&nbsp;⊆&nbsp;∅,

Received on Sunday, 2 January 2011 17:08:35 UTC