Re: Printing and background colors/images

As I understand it, background properties belong to the visual media
group and therefore should apply to the print type. The fact that they
don't therefore seems something of a deviation from the spec, albeit a
universal one.

A potential workaround off the top of my head: Could we model existing
browser behaviour by pretending they apply a stylesheet that contains

@media print {
    * { background: none !important }

Authors could then add !important clauses to their own backgrounds to
ensure they appear when printed.

Pros: Doesn't require any additional keywords, and kind-of normalises
current browser behaviour.
Cons: A bit of an abuse of !important, perhaps? Might cause problems
on existing sites that define backgrounds using !important. Might
cause problems for users with vision problems who apply user
stylesheets to, for example, make all sites uses a black-background.
Could a case of getting these modify their stylesheets to put the
background modifier within a screen media rule?


Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2011 17:52:57 UTC