Re: [CSS2.1] list-style-image sizing rules don't match reality

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Sylvain Galineau
<> wrote:
> Let me try one more time. Your initial message [1] said:
> # My suggested change is to replace line #3 in the algorithm with
> # "If the image has no intrinsic ratio, intrinsic width, or intrinsic
> # height, then its intrinsic ratio is assumed to be 1:1."
> It seems this is the behavior you want to *replace*, not the behavior
> you are suggesting. Yes/No ?
> [1]

Not *quite*.  In the case of list-style-image, an image with no
intrinsic dimensions and no intrinsic ratio should be given a size of
1em by 1em, which happens to be precisely what my change still allows.

My suggested change was a minimum-edit suggestion to achieve what I
wanted, which was just to prevent an image with one intrinsic
dimension from triggering on rule 3.

I admit that it's not clear that my change has the effect I wanted,
given that I was complaining about the forced 1:1 ratio and my
suggested change still applies a 1:1 ratio.  I suggest following my
second suggestion instead, of replacing the rules list.  ^_^


Received on Monday, 14 February 2011 21:09:35 UTC