RE: [css3-transitions] Can/should a change of currentColor's computed value trigger a transition ?

[Tab Atkins:]
> Do transitions fire based on the specified or computed value?  I can't
> seem to find language in the spec specifying one way or the other, but
> some simple testing seems to show that webkit uses specified value:

The computed value is updated throughout the transition but it's triggered
by the property being updated (with the exceptions of updates caused by 
other declarative animations and inherited value). In this case it's a 
little tricky because background-color itself is not being updated but 
its computed value will change. 

> data:text/html,<!doctype html><div id=foo><div id=bar></div></div><input
> type=range min=20 value=100 step=20 onchange=" = this.value
> + '%'"><style>#foo { border:
> thick solid blue; } #bar { border: thick solid green; height: 2em;
> width: 50%; margin: 0 auto; transition: width 1s;}</style>
> Anyway, answering that question will answer the specific question you
> have.

Not quite. Given that the background color will change and that he explicitly 
specified asked for that property to transition, wouldn't the author be right
to expect the background color to transition in this case as well ? The answer 
to that question will tell us what the spec should say. 

Received on Saturday, 12 February 2011 00:12:45 UTC