Re: [CSS21] Table fix-up algorithm: elements vs boxes

On 2/7/11 4:33 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> <!doctype html>
> <style>
> .table { display: table; }
> .cell { display: table-cell; }
> </style>
> <div class=table>
>   <div class=cell>foo</div>
>   <span class=cell>bar</span>
>   <span>foo
>     <div class=cell>bar</div>
>   baz</span>
> </div>
> The table has 5 child boxes (ignoring anonymous inlines containing
> only whitespace), because the second<span>  is split by its<div>
> child.

No, it's not.  That <div> is display:table-cell, which is not 
block-level per 9.2.1 and hence does not trigger the algorithm in  And then per 17.2.1 it gets wrapped in an inline-table 
anonymous box, which is still not block-level.

But yes, the ordering of 17.2.1 and really needs to be defined 
better (and we definitely need a test for this in the test suite).


Received on Monday, 7 February 2011 22:09:55 UTC