webkit-transform translate values clipped to integers?

  We have observed that -webkit-transform: translate(14.95px, -12.95px) clips to integers. It is equivalent to -webkit-transform: translate(14px, -12px).
Is this expected? Is there any way top get translate to not clip the values? Is there any documentation on this behavior? Would using something besides px help?

  I can work around this issue by changing translate(14.95px, -12.95px) to matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 14.95, -12.95). This gives us correct behavior.

  Some may argue that this is only a subpixel positioning issue but this translate may get concat'ed with a subsequent scaling matrix casing the clipping error to be greatly magnified.
I could provide a simple example if requested.

Dan Clark
Adobe Systems

Received on Monday, 7 February 2011 13:19:01 UTC