Re: [css3-regions] Avoid Markup Clutter

Christoph Päper wrote:

 > | The CSS regions module is independent of the layout of regions
 > | and the mechanism used to create them.
 > This module absolutetly should specify a means to generate stylable
 > regions without additional markup. Whether it is an at-rule or a
 > pseudo-element is debatable. I prefer ‘@region’, though.

Yes, regions -- which by definition are only there for styling
purposes -- should be specified in a style language.

 > | However, for simplicity, our example uses elements as regions …
 > That would be setting a bad example. Regions should come from the
 > box tree, not from the node tree.

Indeed. HTML is inappropriate for this. 

Further, using HTML elements makes it harder, if not impossible, to
have auto-generation of regions. Auto-generation is essential to
reusable style sheets, user-specified font sizes and other long-held
CSS principles.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2011 22:31:44 UTC