Re: [css3-regions] Avoid Markup Clutter

On 12/20/2011 10:53 AM, Christoph Päper wrote:
> | The CSS regions module is independent of the layout of regions
> | and the mechanism used to create them.
> This module absolutetly should specify a means to generate stylable regions without additional markup. Whether it is an at-rule or a pseudo-element is debatable. I prefer ‘@region’, though.
> Then, ‘@region’ like other at-rules, should be followed by an (optional) identifier / name, not an selector. Instead of an approach like ‘@media’ with nested rulesets, the region name should be part of the selector inside a pseudo-class:
>    @region foo {position: absolute; …}
>    p                {color: red; …}
>    p:in-region      {color: orange; …}
>    p:in-region(foo) {color: green; …}
> | However, for simplicity, our example uses elements as regions …
> That would be setting a bad example. Regions should come from
> the box tree, not from the node tree.

I agree 100%. We should not be promoting bad examples.


Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2011 19:38:12 UTC