Re: [css3-text] @text-transform order

Koji Ishii wrote:

> How would we define the order to apply multiple @text-transform rules?
> @text-transform a { "abc" to "cde"; }
> @text-transform b { "abc" to "fgh"; }
> <span style="text-transform: a b;">a</style>
> Would it be "h" or "f"? I guess UA applies rules from left to right
> and therefore "h"?

As Brad also mentions, I think only one custom transform should apply
within the text-transform property.  We could allow compounding within
@text-transform rules but I don't think that's necessary for a first
version.  I think we should keep it simple.

I also don't think we should allow custom named transforms to be
referenced directly within text-transform rules, defining it that way
may seem simpler but it leads to conflicts with future value additions. 
I would propose using a 'custom(xxx)' property value.

  @text-transform small-kana { ... }
  rt { text-transform: custom(small-kana); }

This also makes it clear to those reading an unknown stylesheet that
'small-kana' is user defined rather than an intrinsic value.


John Daggett

Received on Monday, 19 December 2011 00:16:23 UTC