Re: [css3-flexbox] alignment test

-----Original Message----- 
From: Tab Atkins Jr. 
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 4:12 PM 
To: L. David Baron 
Cc: fantasai ; 
Subject: Re: [css3-flexbox] alignment test 

>On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 4:06 PM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
>> On Thursday 2011-12-08 12:15 -0800, fantasai wrote:
>>> I don't think creating elements or pseudo-elements is a good way of
>>> controlling spacing. That's what margins are for. We've come a long
>>> way since using spacer GIFs, please let's not go back to that.
>> I agree that pseudo-elements are too heavyweight here:  they're more
>> complex for authors to write, and they're also large in terms of
>> memory and performance footprint (more items in the rendering tree),
>> which does matter to authors and users.
>How often are spacers used, though?  They're useful to split something
>apart into two ranges, but what else?
>If they're used a lot, is my #3 idea better?

Flexible margins are not used a lot of course. But still used. 
Why not just to use most natural solution? 

Let's say someone will need to define flexible right *and*
bottom margins, how this supposed to be done with pseudo-elements?

Anyway here is the list of cases where flexible margins are used in 
built-in style sheets of my engines:

1. To stick <footer> to the bottom of the view 
( if there is free vertical space ):

  body > footer { margin-top:*; }

2. To align content of a button into center vertically:

  button > :first-child { margin-top:*; }
  button > :last-child { margin-bottom:*; }

(vertical-align for inline-block elements does different thing)

3. In menu items to align <span.accesskey> to the right/left:

  menu > li > span.accesskey 
    margin-left:*; /* spring to attach it to the right */
  menu > li > span.accesskey:rtl 

(If to use spacer::pseudo-element it is actaully a question
how they should play with ltr/rtl, I expect problems in this
area. )

4. Quite a lot of cases in <widget.calendar> ( <input type=month>,
  <input type=datetime>, etc. ) to align calendar components 
In calendar topmost row has this structure:

and styles like 

  button.prev { margin-right:*; } { margin-left:*; }

are used to align things properly.

5. fieldset/legend alignment:

  fieldset > legend 
    width: max-intrinsic; 
    max-width: 90%;
  fieldset:rtl > legend

6. Spin buttons alignment in 
  <input type=number step=1 >

And that is just master-css that defines built-in elements. 

Andrew Fedoniouk

Received on Friday, 9 December 2011 03:45:38 UTC