I believe the rescinding process only applies to published RECs, not CRs.
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Karl Dubost <karld@opera.com> wrote:
> Florian,
> Le 5 déc. 2011 à 09:26, Florian Rivoal a écrit :
> > The CSS TV profile (http://www.w3.org/TR/css-tv) doesn't appear to have
> been worked on since 2003. I am thinking we should add an obsolete warning
> as we've done recently with a number of left-behind specs.
> The process allows to rescind a specification
> http://www.w3.org/2004/02/Process-20040205/tr#rec-rescind
> --
> Karl Dubost - http://dev.opera.com/
> Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software