Proposing content-hidden for background-image and img content

Proposing content-hidden for background-image and img content.

I'd like to see a new option: "visibility: content-hidden", such as,
<img style="visibility: content-hidden; background: blue" />

Like visibility, the content is not rendered, but, background and border 
fills are.
A lot of work has gone into background-* paint services.

Recently, I used a transparent pixel and an image tag, for compatibility 
with other code.
<img src="transparent.png" style="background-image: ..." />

I would have otherwise used a div.
<div role="img" style="background-image: ..." />

My typical html-interop toolkit is visibility, display and opacity. They 
hide the background, so they don't work.

This may help us maintain html semantics like <img> with greater ease.

It's a slightly different type than the existing rendering types,
it does require a little bit of work, but I hope, an incremental 
improvement, and worth the time.


Received on Friday, 19 August 2011 01:15:56 UTC