Re: Proposal Submission How?

Mail a link to your proposal to this list (preferably with a short summary of the proposal in the email).


On Aug 16, 2011, at 2:00 PM, wrote:

> I would like to submit an idea for consideration to be included in a future version of CSS. How and where and to whom or to what working group do I submit an idea, and what format and requirements should be met?
> The idea would be a useful addition to CSS and perhaps SVG, and the core concept might apply for other things within them. It would make code maintenance and usability/readability easier for designers. It's fairly simple and straightforward, and I have a rough draft currently, showing what it is, how it would function, and an example in CSS3 pseudocode. Possibly by CSS4?
> The technical issues of implementing this idea seem, to me as a naive designer rather than an experienced programmer, to be merely in comparing against the given identifier list (supplied by the individual designer per project) and the predefined identifiers.
> The only appropriate places I've found are to comment to this mailing list or the www-svg mailing list, or to join a new community or business group at the W3C.
> Thanks in advance for replies.

Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2011 17:13:27 UTC