Re: background-print

Also sprach Florian Rivoal:

 > > The start of the thread, in the above URL reads:
 > >  Want authors to be able to specify whether backgrounds should be printed
 > > And this code turns off printing of backgrounds:
 > Authors don't want to turn off printing of backgrounds, they want to turn  
 > it on, as various browsers automatically turn them off by default to save  
 > ink or improve readability. A way to override that is what we are looking  
 > for.

We could do this by defining where in the cascade the user setting is

For example, this could could be overridden by the user setting:

  html { background: red }

while this would be printed:

  html { background: red !important }

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Friday, 12 August 2011 15:38:05 UTC