Re: [css3-writing-modes] "vert" OpenType feature tag and glyph orientation

Hi Koji,

The main point I was trying to make is that vertical layout shouldn't
depend on font data, not because 'vrt2' is "wrong" so much as it's not
consistent or it reflects an arbitrary choice made on a font by font
basis.  What Eric and I discussed was a simple property defined for all
Unicode codepoints that can be used to make decisions about the default
orientation.  I think it's important to distinguish the property from the
rules used to define default orientation, since it's easier to adjust 
rules as problems arise.

I don't quite follow the "CSSVT" classification that you list in your
table of Unicode codepoints [1]. You have "horizontal", "sideways",
"sideways (default)", "upright" and "use-font".  What are the
meaning/intent of these categories?  Basic numbers are "sideways
(default)" but simple Latin letters are "horizontal", along with Greek
and Cyrillic.  What's the distinction you're making?  And how are you
distinguishing between "sideways", "horizontal" and "use-font" in the
U+2100:21FF range of symbols.


John Daggett


Received on Friday, 12 August 2011 04:30:54 UTC